Metal Warranties
J and J Welding and Fabricators is proud to stand behind our metal panel roofing systems. To protect your metal roofing investment,our metal and finish suppliers provide some of the best warranties in the roofing industry, including limited warranties up to 40 years depending on the products you choose. Ask an J and J Welding associate for additional warranty details and limitations that apply to the metal roofing products you’re interested in.
Maxalume ( Galvalume®) Mill-Finished
25-Year, 6-Month Limited Metal Warranty
Product: AZ55 coated steel sheet metal panels
Coverage: Product will not rupture, fail structurally, or perforate due to corrosion when exposed to normal atmospheric conditions when installed more than 1500 ft. from coastline with breaking surf, 800 ft. of coastline with a large bay, and 400 ft. of coastline with marsh, and areas subject to constant spraying of either salt or fresh water.
Coverage Period: 25 Years, 6 Months
Maxalume (Galvalume®) Kynar 500®
25-Year, 6-Month Limited Metal Warranty
Product: AZ50 coated steel sheet metal panels painted with Kynar 500® coating Coverage: Product will not rupture, fail structurally, or perforate due to corrosion when exposed to normal atmospheric conditions when installed more than 1500 ft. from coastline with breaking surf, 800 ft. of coastline with a large bay, and 400 ft. of coastline with marsh, and areas subject to constant spraying of either salt or fresh water. Coverage Period: 25 Years, 6 Months
Contact UsPainted Aluminum Kynar 500® Coating
20-Year, 6-Month Limited Metal Warranty
Product: Aluminum painted with Kynar 500® coating
Coverage: Product will not rupture, fail structurally or perforate as a result of corrosion.
Coverage Period: 20 Years, 6 Months
Finish (Paint) Warranties
Kynar 500® Maxalume (Galvalume),G90, and Aluminum
40-Year Limited Paint Warranty
Product: Kynar 500® Coating Finish on AZ50 Galvalume®, G90 Galvanized Steel, or Aluminum
Coverage Period A: Product will not chip, crack, peel, flake or check.
Coverage B: Product will not chalk in excess of ASTM D-4214-89 method D659 number eight (8) rating, or change color more than Five (5.0) Hunter ΔE units as determined by ASTM method D-2244-2.
Coverage Period B:30 Years
Kynar 500® Aluminum
25-Year Coastal Limited Paint Warranty
Product: Kynar 500® Coating Finish on Aluminum
Coverage: Product will not chip, crack, peel, flake or check; product will not chalk in excess of ASTM D4214-89 method D659 number eight (8) rating or change color more than Five (5.0) Hunter ∆E units as determined by ASTM method D-2244-2.
Coverage Period: 25 Years
Kynar 500® Maxalume (Galvalume) and Aluminum
20-Year Caribbean Limited Paint Warranty
Product: Kynar 500® Coating Finish on AZ55/AZ50 Galvalume®) or Aluminum if erected in regions north of 15° North latitude and south of 15° South latitude.
Coverage: Product will not chip, crack, peel, flake or check; product will not chalk in excess of ASTM D4214-89 method D659 number eight (8) rating, or change color more than Five (5.0) Hunter ∆E units as determined by ASTM method D-2244-2.
Coverage Period: 20 Years
Weather XL™ Maxalume (Galvalume) and HDG Steel (G90+)
40-Year Limited Paint Warranty
Product: WeatherX™ And WeatherXL™ Siliconized Polyester Coating systems on AZ55/AZ50 Galvalume®
Coverage: Product will not chalk in excess of ASTM D-4214-98 method A (D659) number six (6) rating or change color more than seven (7.0) Hunter ∆E units as determined by ASTM method D-2244-02.
Coverage Period: 40 Years